The World Nuclear Transport Institute (WNTI) is celebrating its 20th anniversary of supporting safe and secure nuclear transport around the globe.
Founded in London by three organisations, British Nuclear Fuels Ltd (BNFL), Cogema of France and the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan, the Institute represents the collective interests of the radioactive materials transport sector to maintain effective and reliable transport.
To achieve this aim, WNTI – that has grown to almost 50 members from a range of industry sectors – works with various inter-governmental organisations and regulators such as the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) to promote an efficient, harmonised international transport safety regime.
UK companies play a leading role in the organisation, with representatives from Sellafield Ltd and International Nuclear Services (INS) acting as Working Group chairmen, while the WNTI Secretary General and representatives on the WNTI Board are INS employees.
John Mulkern said: “I’m proud to be the Secretary General of WNTI, an organisation that has attracted member companies from across the world, at the time of its 20th anniversary.
“In addition to our core work with organisations such as IMO and IAEA, we have collaborated with other global partners on areas such as transport security. We also develop solutions in five WNTI Working Groups that result in best practice guides, and also share our ‘best-practice’ approach at many international conferences.”
One of the Working Groups – Back End Transport – is chaired by Sellafield Ltd’s Martin Porter, who said: “Sellafield Ltd and INS have worked together successfully on transport operations for many years, and we are sharing our expertise with other transport operators across the world.”
INS is the world’s most experienced shipper of nuclear materials, with a flawless nuclear safety and security record stretching back 40 years, and as part of British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) was one of the founder members of WNTI. Now a subsidiary of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), INS provides specialist nuclear transport, design and licensing services, and manages NDA’s inherited fuel cycle contracts with UK and overseas customers.
INS Director of Shipping, Pete Buchan said “WNTI plays a vital role on behalf of the industry by helping to promote a sound international framework for radioactive materials transport.
“They help to build consensus, co-operation and understanding in what is a complex regulatory, commercial and political environment. INS is proud to be a founder member of WNTI and we look forward to working with them for many years to come.”